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High-Level Research

Big Opportunities

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High-Level Research

  • We believe in research for a reason. That’s why the research we conduct is meaningful, purposeful, impactful, and solves real problems.
  • Undergraduate and graduate students conduct research across many fields. From studying speech disorders in bilingual children, to exploring cures for cancer, and terraforming Mars, our students partner closely with faculty to answer the big questions and affect real change.
  • Research conducted here is locally relevant and globally prominent. While we are located in Lafayette, we continuously look outward to see how we can impact the world in a positive way. We embrace partnerships across the globe.
  • UL Lafayette is ranked number 10 in the nation for the research funding it receives. We believe in funding student research and there are many opportunities to support your work.
  • Our University engages in long-term relationships with companies time and again because we know how to deliver results and create solutions that are important to different industries.
  • UL Lafayette is the National Science Foundation's only Center of Excellence for big data management in the nation.
  • Learn more about research at UL Lafayette.

The research that we do here at the university is critical, because it allows people here in Louisiana and throughout the nation to have a place to come and to pursue these burning questions and to pursue advances in the different fields that we have.

We like to say, we're doing research for a reason. We're solving, not only local problems, but also problems that are of national and global importance.

For example, I'm working with the [inaudible] sea anemone. And we're studying those organisms to try to cure hearing loss, because they have certain cells in their tentacles that are very similar to the cells we use to detect sound in our ears.

My particular research focuses more on the Amazon in South America and studying a particular group of fish there. And it's still relevant today in the fact that we are seeing a lot of that ecosystem disappear as well.

So my research in the biology lab, honestly, is how I spend most of my time. And I really do enjoy it. It excites me to be able to get results using new technologies, learning a lot about just the field of development in general.

I love it so much that I actually started chemistry research recently. And we're working on anti-cancer compounds in that lab.

UL Lafayette students' experience and research prepares them for their careers and enables them to contribute to their chosen fields while they're here.

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